The Charles C. W. Cooke Podcast

Episode 6: The Raging Personality Disorder and the Lair

Episode Summary

Charles has lost much of his voice on this sixth episode of The Charles C. W. Cooke Podcast. Nevertheless, he persists. On this one, Charles takes the press to task for its reaction to the attack on Paul Pelosi, talks to Mary Katharine Ham about her ordeal at CNN, and runs through Giles Martin's brilliant 'Revolver' remix with the help of Jeff Blehar.

Episode Notes

On episode six of The Charles C. W. Cooke Podcast, Charles soldiers on with a much-depleted voice to bring you the first Husky Edition of the show. This week's guests are Mary Katharine Ham, who was punished by CNN for criticizing Jeffrey Toobin after he was suspended for . . . well, for "Toobining," and Jeff Blehar, who shows up again in the Color Supplement to discuss the remix of The Beatles' Revolver album. Charles also discusses the press's preposterous attempt to use the attack on Paul Pelosi to get the Republican Party to shut up.

The dial-up tone in the introduction was recorded by lintphishx and is used under a CC 3.0 License.